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Project List » The development of the Radionuclide Metrology Laboratory and the extension of the accreditation for coincidence equipment X,Gamma-X,Gamma and for functioning in automatic mode

The development of the Radionuclide Metrology Laboratory and the extension of the accreditation for coincidence equipment X,Gamma-X,Gamma and for functioning in automatic mode

Acronym: LAMERXA
Number / Date of the contract: 102 / 10.08.2006
modul 4
Project Manager: Constantin Ivan
Starting date / finishing date: 2006-08-10 / 2008-01-31
Project value: 800000 RON
Abstract: The Radionuclide Metrology Laboratory (RML) from IFIN-HH was authorized by BRML. In 2005, it was recognized as the Primary Standard for Activity of Romania, in the frame of the Protocol IFIN-INM, under the authority of BRML. It is authorized by BRML for activities of legal metrology and by CNCAN for nuclear activities. The Laboratory is in course of accreditation RENAR (Project INFRAS 507). It is attested as a Standardization/calibration Laboratory by BRML (B-12-20-05/12.12.2005) and is designated by CNCAN as Notified Standardization/calibration Laboratory (LE 02/09.08.2005). The Quality System is approved by the Technical Committee of Quality (TC-Q) EUROMET. The Laboratory is designated in CIPM-MRA, EUROMET ; it is member of CIPM-CCRI(II) and of the International Committee of Radionuclide Metrology (ICRM). Radionuclide Metrology Laboratory is the only supplier of radioactive standards in Romania. The value of receipts from the supply of standards and metrological services was of 25 000 EURO in 2005. The objectives of the project are: 1. Completion of the fitting out of the RML, in conformity with SR EN ISO/CEI 17025: 2005 requirements. 2. The improvement of the performances for two absolute standardization systems, for a relative standardization system and for the spectrometric analyze system from the Laboratory, in order to meet the European Standards. 2.1. Standardization system by 4?PC-? coincidence method: Replacement of the electronic modules, authomatisation, collection and introduction, on gamma channel, of the existing spectrometric system. Checking of the new parameters. 2.2. Standardization system with liquid scintillator, method of triple to double coincidence ratio (LSC-TDCR). Introduction of new systems for processing the signals emitted by scintillator, the auhtomatization of the system, and it’s check. 2.3. Realization of a Gamma Spectrometry System with GeHP detector, with high efficiency and resolution. 3. Extension of the RENAR Accreditation, of the BRML Attestation and of the CNCAN Notification.

1.  (2006-12-15)
2.  (2007-05-31)
3.  (2007-10-31)
4.  (2008-01-31)


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