C2-09 proiecte.nipne.ro/ifa-cea/4-projects.html
Acronym: PARISNPC Number / Date of the contract: C2-09 / 2012-03-01 Modul III, Parteneriat IFA-CEA Franta Project Manager: Florin Negoita Partners: CEA France Starting date / finishing date: 2012-03-01 / 2015-03-01 Project value: 600000 RON Abstract: The present project (Acronym: PARISNPC) is centred on the next generation gamma-ray detector array called PARIS (Photon Array for Studies with Radioactive Ion and Stable Beams) that will be constructed using recently developed LaBr3:Ce scintillating material. This scintillator features both a 65% higher photon yield than conventional NaI and has a fast decay component (25 ns) that is useful for timing measurements. The LaBr3:Ce material thus offers superior detection features that could be used for several applications in industry, medicine and basic and applied research. Although this scintillator cannot compete with germanium detectors in terms of energy resolution, their excellent efficiency and fast timing characteristics make LaBr3:Ce a necessary choice for many experiments and applications.
The general objective of PARISNPC project is to contribute to development of PARIS multidetector and prepare its use in the experiments of interest for Romanian and French teams in the field of fundamental and applied research in nuclear physics.
PARIS is being developed mainly as an instrument for the SPIRAL2 facility that will be located at GANIL (Caen, France) and is one of the Research Infrastructures selected in the Roadmap of ESFRI (European Strategy Forum for Research Infrastructures). However, PARIS multidetector will have high modularity and mobility such that it will be used at other existing or future facilities. In particular it is well suited for experiments using gamma-beams at ELI-NP facility to be built in Magurele. Thus, the present project will focus on experiments to be performed with radioactive and neutron beams at SPIRAL2 and with gamma beams at ELI-NP. The use of new scintillator material, of modern digitization techniques and other innovative solution require extended R&D work to which the PARISNPC project will contribute. More specific, one of the objectives of the project is to study the PARIS capabilities to cope with high event rates and to resolve events separated by small time intervals, taking advantage by the fast response and excellent timing resolution, well below nanosecond, of PARIS compared to other existing gamma array.
Currently PARIS collaboration involve 40 institutions from 17 countries and about 100 researchers, engineers and PhD students (see the collaboration web-site http://paris.ifj.edu.pl for details). PARIS collaboration was supported, both on coordination and R&D activities, within FP7 SPIRAL2 Preparatory Phase project ended in March 2012. The FP7 CRISP (The Cluster for Research Infrastructures for Synergies in Physics) project, running till October 2014, also supports PARIS R&D work on digital electronics through one of his work-packages devoted to neutron and gamma detectors. This demonstrates that PARIS collaboration objective are fully integrated in the European strategies for R&D.
THE STAGES OF THE PROJECT AND DELIVERY DATES 1. New experiments and simulation setting-up (0000-00-00) 2. Simulation work (0000-00-00) 3. Pulse Shape Analysis (0000-00-00) 4. Experimental work (0000-00-00)
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Tel: +(4021) 404.23.00, Fax: +(4021) 457.44.40 2024 IFIN-HH. All rights reserved. |
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