Project List » Analyzes of existing beta emitters in agro-ecosystems in ultra-low radiochemistry laboratory BETALAB |
Analyzes of existing beta emitters in agro-ecosystems in ultra-low radiochemistry laboratory BETALAB proiecte.nipne.ro/pn2/32-projects.html
Acronym: BETALAB Contracting Authority: Executive Agency for Higher Education, Research, Development and Innovation Funding (UEFISCDI) Number / Date of the contract: D51-053 / 14.09.2007 Parteneriate in domeniile prioritare Project Manager: Corina Anca Simion Partners: 1. Research & Development Station for Viticulture and Enology Murfatlar 2. Research & Development Center for Soil Erosion Control Perieni Starting date / finishing date: 2007-09-18 / 2010-11-11 Project value: 2000000 RON Abstract: The inauguration in 2006 of the first underground romanian laboratory for ultra low level measurements microBq gives a new way of life for classical nuclear fifty years old methods with international scientific performances. The participation to the european projects and to the networks are encouraged too. As experimental performances, we expect a broad set of applications by developing the applications in Romania. BETALAB is a good example of implementation of the PNCDI-II. Program 4 ideas as a new and original laboratory. This project correlates: Institutul National de C&D pentru Fizica si Inginerie Nucleara „Horia Hulubei†Magurele Bucuresti (IFIN-HH), Statiunea de Cercetare - Dezvoltare pentru Viticultura si Vinificatie Murfatlar Constanta (SCDVVM) and Centrul de Cercetare-Dezvoltare pentru Combaterea Eroziunii Solului Perieni Vaslui (CCDCES) with very well known tradition, collaborating from 20 years on classical nuclear techniques. BETALAB offers the chance of scientific improvement of their experience, upon IFIN-HH directory of an unique laboratory in Romania. BETALAB comprises as a part of microBq laboratory with two compartments: „low level radiochemistry†outside IFIN-HH area, and low level liquid scintillation measurement („LSC low levelâ€), in the microBq area at Unirea salt mine Slanic Prahova. For „low level radiochemistry†a very clean area is needed for surrounding conditions, and for „LSC low level†a clean place regarding to the radiation background is needed too. The surface laboratory will combine the roamanian experience with the new commercial technical solutions. But his conception will be the scientific original part of the project. Concerning the measurements, the undergorund area will need a helping hand of Societatea Nationala a Sarii (SNS SALROM SA) and of Institutul pentru Criogenie si Separari Izotopice Ramnicu-Valcea (ICSI), a very well know team dedicated to the environmental LSC low level measurements on natural radiation background. IFIN-HH brings to the project the experience on classical nuclear techniques and the microBq; SCDVVM and CCDCES will offer the research area agreed in FP7 and PNCDI-II; their geographical positions are ideal for erosion/sedimentation phenomena (Lead-210, Pb-210) but far away from CNE Cernavoda (CCDCES) or for an agro-ecosystem study near nuclear power plant (Tritium, T and Carbon-14, C-14) (SCDVVM).
THE STAGES OF THE PROJECT AND DELIVERY DATES 1. Scientific basis of the project.I. (2007-12-15) 2. Realisation of the BETALAB underground component (2008-06-10) 3. Scientific basis of the project.II. (2009-01-01) RESULTS PUBLISHED ARTICLES RESEARCH TEAM
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Address: Str. Reactorului no.30, P.O.BOX MG-6, Bucharest - Magurele, ROMANIA
Tel: +(4021) 404.23.00, Fax: +(4021) 457.44.40 2024 IFIN-HH. All rights reserved. |
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