General Information


The proposal is based on the infrastructure existent in the Department of Particle Physics and Information Technology, such as a QS22 IBM blade-center based on the PowerXCell 8i, a 1162 CPU-core GRID node within WLCG, etc. With this infrastructure 4 Computer Aided Design problems will be approached, in Particle and Nuclear Physics:

1. Particle Physics:

  • A1 – Insertable B-Layer trigger software (ATLAS Experiment upgrade plans)
  • A2 – Geometric-kinematic exclusive reconstruction methods
2. Nuclear Physics:
  • A3 - Cold-Neutron Proposal for ELI
  • A4 - Neural Networks for Neutron Noise Spectrae in Nuclear Reactors
The proposal is for 36 months and the 4-mini-tasks are on topics of marked current interest for the international scientific/technological community. The tasks stem from problems of current active work that are lacking manpower and could reach maturity if given dedicated funding.