Wed, 11 Sep 2024
Dan Ghita
Catalin Matei
ATAMP - 12BM -
Mihaela Bacalum
BAYESIMULATRON - A Multivariate Bayesian Updating Simulator based on Quantum Correlated Gamma Radiation -
Rares Suvaila
Marian Virgolici
BIO-GAMMA - Gamma radiation-modulated biotechnologies for application in bioeconomy -
Mihai Radu
BioNPsACP - Biophysical and in vitro studies of hybrid delivery nanostructures for anticancer peptides -
Mihaela Bacalum
Bogdan Zorila
BRAG - Brain ageing under radiation: PINK1 role in DNA damage response following proton-induced neurodegeneration -
Mihaela Temelie
BSMW - Applications of Weyl symmetry to physics beyond the Standard Model -
Dumitru Ghilencea
C5-09 - C5-09 -
Aurelian Luca
CRYLEDS - Scintillator-based detection system for CRYRING low-energy ion beams -
Dan Ghita
CTRimag-HILP - Imaging by coherent transition radiation of high intensity focused laser pulses -
Julien Fuchs
CWMDBDPM - Chiral and wobbling motion, double beta decay to excited state with gauge symmetry restored and unified description of the pigmy dipole resonance -
Apolodor Raduta
DABSRAWAL - Development of innovative binders for the stabilization / solidification of low- or intermediate-level radioactive wastes containing aluminium -
Gheorghe Rotarescu
DEXTER - Development of security applications based on the complex experimental technologies utilized in the study of cosmic radiation -
Alexandra Saftoiu
DONANORAD - Smart technology based on novel nanoparticles for improvement of photon and hadrontherapy -
Diana Savu
E1LEAD - Electric dipole response in 208Pb -
Ioana Gheorghe
ELI_GAMMA_ACCURATE - Towards accurate cross section measurements by developing new methods for characterisation of the γ-ray beam at ELI-NP -
Catalin Matei
Ioana Stanculescu
EXONTEX - Experimental and theoretical studies of exotic nuclei at ISOLDE -
Constantin Mihai
F4E-GRT-168-8 - Grant agreement nuclear data improvements and development of tools - nuclear data evaluation -
Vlad Avrigeanu
FIDIA2C - Low dose irradiation effects on the Normal cells -
Diana Savu
GANT-PhotoFiss - Photofission studies with the ELIGANT-TN instrument - Technique Developement -
Dan Filipescu
GQRpad - Giant Quadrupole Resonance (GQR) possible alpha decay in neutron-induced reactions -
Vlad Avrigeanu
HaPPSDaG - Efficient Handling and Processing of PetaByte-Scale Data for the Grid Centers within the FR Cloud -
Mihnea Dulea
HERO - 3D image reconstruction of hidden objects based on dirrectional muon flux analysys -
Denis Stanca
HOTSTARS - Hot compact stars with exotic particle degrees of freedom: properties, stability, thermal evolution -
Adriana Raduta
I2FUMEC - Study of ion-ion fusion mechanisms at sub-barrier energies for nuclear astrophysics -
Alexandra Spiridon
INSIGT - Investigation of laser-driven gamma burst -
Domenico Doria
IRON - Inelastic Reactions On 56Fe induced by Nucleons -
Alexandru Negret
LTR93Mo - Laser-plasma triggered release of the 2.4 MeV isomer in 93mMo using the 1 PW system at ELI-NP -
Klaus Spohr
Cristian Dragolici
MARKWEST - Markers implant for determining erosion and deposition effects on PFCs used in the first phase of the WEST PROJECT - CEA -
Catalin Stan-Sion
MATCHANGE - AMS analyses of concentrations of hydrogen isotopes and other elements in tiles dismounted from the Toroidal Pump Limiter at Tore Supra Tokamak -
Mihaela Enachescu
MSEMP - Development of a measurement and monitoring system for EMP at ELI-NP -
Marius Gugiu
Livius Trache
NAIRIB - Nuclear Astrophysics with Indirect-methods and Rare Ion Beams -
Livius Trache
NanoTracks - Breakthrough method for optical waveguides synthesis: The coming era of nanotechnology -
Gihan Velisa
NARAD - Development of a Cyclotron-driven neutron activator for radiopharmaceutical production; case study of Holmium-166 labelled affibody for targeted diagnostics and therapeutics -
Liviu Stefan Craciun
NASTEPRAD - Creation of national standards for some emerging pharmaceutical radionuclides to ensure the radioprotection of patients and medical staffs -
Aurelian Luca
NP_INEL - Precise neutron inelastic and charged particle reaction cross sections as a tool for a better understanding of nuclear reaction mechanisms -
Alexandru Negret
NSR-HD - Nuclear Structure Research and Instrumentation Developments for HISPEC/DESPEC -
Constantin Mihai
NUCASTRO2 - Direct measurements of Nuclear Astrophysics at IFIN-HH -
Livius Trache
n_TOF - Romania's participation at CERN - n_TOF Collaboration -
Alexandru Negret
ONCORAD - The development in oncology of novel radiopharmaceuticals and nuclear techniques for diagnostic imaging and personalized treatment at molecular level -
Mihai Ciubotaru
OPTIM-PRV - Optimization of photoactive perovskite materials using machine learning techniques -
George Nemnes
OPTRAS - Open problems in radiological risk assessment of Tritium emissions including climate changes -
Anca Melintescu
PANDORA - Electromagnetic response of low-mass nuclei for the mass evolution of extra-galactic ultra-high energy cosmic rays -
Pär-Anders Söderström
PARISNPC - C2-09 -
Florin Negoita
PDI-IFIN-HH-2022 - PDI-IFIN-HH 2022 -
Mihai Radu
PD_n_versus_p_inel - Comparative study of the (n,n') si (p,p') reactions on
Ca -
Marian Alexandru Boromiza
PHYSforTeL - Interinstitutional program of developing advanced eco-nanotechnology solutions for multifunctional treatments of leather and textile materials -
Ioana Stanculescu
PMIHLB - Frontiers Research in Photon-Matter Interaction Using Extreme Helical Light Beams -
Dimiter Balabanski
POSBOT - Slow positrons from magnetic bottle -
Nikolay Djourelov
ProQED - Nonperturbative processes in strong-field QED -
Mircea Pentia
Protodeep - From a promising method to a deeper understading of deuteron-induced reactions -
Marilena Avrigeanu
QUTECH-RO - Developing quantum information and quantum technologies in Romania -
Radu Ionicioiu
RADART - A radiography of the past. Investigation of Neolithic clay artifacts using imaging diagnostic methods and experimental archaeology -
Florin Constantin
ROCRYDET - YAP:Ce Heavy Ions Detector for CRYRING -
Mihai Straticiuc
RoTech99m - -
Nicoleta Florea
SEREVIO - From seniority regime to collective behavior in Po isotopes -
Sorin Pascu
SIG-REC-PAO - Signal processing and reconstruction activities in the frame of the Pierre Auger Observatory -
Alexandra Saftoiu
SISTINA - Strong Interaction Studies in Antiproton Annihilation -
Mario Bragadireanu
SmartWoundPatch - Ready-to-use flexible wound dressing with synergistic photothermal and antimicrobial capabilities -
Mihaela Bacalum
SSARCR - Systematic Study of Astrophysical Radiative Capture Reactions with Complete Reaction Mechanism and Up-to-date Nuclear Ingredients -
Yi Xu
TOMAHAWC - High resolution detectors based on plastic scintillators with compact optical sensors for muon tomography applications -
Denis Stanca
TRANSILVANIA - TRANSfer reactions Induced by Lithium Via Alpha Nuclear clusters In Astrophysics -
Dmitry Testov
WPBB2-RO - RO support for EUROfusion Work Package Breeding Blanket -
Vlad Avrigeanu
WPMAT1-RO - Grant agreement nuclear data improvements and development of tools - nuclear data evaluation -
Vlad Avrigeanu
Address: Str. Reactorului no.30, P.O.BOX MG-6, Bucharest - Magurele, ROMANIA
Tel: +(4021) 404.23.00, Fax: +(4021) 457.44.40
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