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Project List » Frontiers Research in Photon-Matter Interaction Using Extreme Helical Light Beams

Frontiers Research in Photon-Matter Interaction Using Extreme Helical Light Beams

Acronym: PMIHLB
Contracting Authority: Executive Agency for Higher Education, Research, Development and Innovation Funding (UEFISCDI)
Number / Date of the contract: 8/2018 / 12.07.2018
Project Manager: Dimiter Balabanski
Partners: National Institute for Laser, Plasma and Radiation Physics (INFLPR)
University of Bucharest, Faculty of Physics

Starting date / finishing date: 2018-07-12 / 2022-08-12
Project value: 8500000 RON
Abstract: Helical-phase or "vortex" light beams have the unique property of carrying orbital angular momentum (OAM) of m? per photon, with m an integer. The photon OAM can be used to apply torque to matter, or to excite quantum transitions forbidden by the selection rules. The interaction of helical light with matter is so far little studied. A four-year research program is proposed, aimed at exploring new frontiers of light-matter interaction using helical photon beams with extreme intensity or energy. Coupled to worldwide unique capabilities of ELI-NP facility (planned to start delivering beams in 2019), the proposed research program will produce high visibility results and assure Romanian priority in two main directions: (i) producing extreme intensity helical laser beams and using them to study the interaction between relativistic intensity OAM light and dense plasmas, and (ii) producing helical beams at gamma-ray energies and using them to study the fundamental interactions of OAM carrying gamma-rays with electrons and nuclei. Extreme light intensities will be achieved using the PW lasers at the CETAL and ELI-NP facilities in Romania, and extreme photon energies using the Gamma Beam System also at the ELI-NP facility. The experimental research will be accompanied and supported by a strong theoretical research effort. Teams from two Romanian research institutes, IFIN-HH and INFLPR, will perform the experimental research, and a team from the Bucharest University will perform the theoretical research. Collaborations with researchers inside and outside Romania will also support the proposed research. The proposed project is expected to break new grounds in fundamental science and to impact on societal application associated to optimized laser-driven acceleration, such as proton-therapy or energy production in fast-ignitor scheme of inertial fusion, and to monochromatic gamma beams, such as dangerous material detection with improved sensitivity, as well as on other fields.


1. Production methods for intense helical laser beam. Theoretical evaluation of nuclear physics experiments using soft gamma ray with orbital angular momentum (2018-12-31)
2. Extreme intensity helical laser beam production. TNSA acceleration experiments using helical laser beams. Numerical simulation of production and interaction with matter laser and gamma photons with orbital angular momentum (2019-12-31)
3. Linear, circular and helical laser beam acceleration experiments. In-target d-d fusion reactions. Soft helical gamma ray production. Modeling photonuclear reactions using orbital angular momentum gamma rays. Modeling invers Compton scattering with helical laser beam (2020-12-31)
4. Compton scattering experiments with helical gamma ray. Radiation Pressure Acceleration experiments with helical laser beams. Experimental tests of helical plasma mirrors with high power laser pulses (2021-12-31)
5. Photonuclear experiments using gamma ray with orbital angular momentum. Testing production of gamma ray with orbital angular momentum in experiments with extreme intensity helical laser beam (2022-07-12)
RESULTS [Project Activity Report]

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